North Texas Committees
One of the best ways to get the most out of your membership is to be involved. Find your interest, decide how you want to impact others in your industry, and reach out to to find out how to join of of our active committees.
Future Leaders Council
The council aids the Membership Recruitment & Retention Committee, volunteers twice a year at a non-profit and at NUCA North Texas' Live Trench Training. They also help to plan our holiday party all in an effort to engage and train future board members and officers. In cooperation with the Education Committee they are looking to build upon the success of our Leadership at Lunch series for additional leadership offerings.
Chair: Callie Banowsky
Board Liaison: Austin Fitch, ROMCO
Special Events
The Special Events Committee plans the Golf Tournament and Clay Shoot & PorkaPULLuza.
Chair: Kelli Meyer, Vermeer TX/LA
Board Liaison: Chad Pendley, US Shoring & Equipment
Recruitment & Retention
This committee assists in connecting with and growing membership.​
Board Liaison: Chad Pendley, U. S. Shoring & Equipment
The Safety Committee plans and hosts 4 Lunch & Learn events throughout the year, representatives attend North Texas Damage Prevention Council meetings, present at Texas 811 Quarterly Workshops, and host NUCA's annual Live Trench Training event in collaboration with OSHA.
Chair: Mandi Oldham, Mountain Cascade
Vice Chair: Brandon McCurry, Stag Safety
Board Liaison: Mandi Oldham, Mountain Cascade​